What is Makeup Pilling and How to Avoid It

If you’ve ever experienced your makeup clumping or rolling off in little balls, you’ve likely encountered the dreaded makeup pilling. But don’t worry, we’re here to explain what pilling is and how to avoid it for that flawless finish we all dream of.

What is Makeup Pilling?

Pilling happens when your skincare or makeup products don’t work well together. It’s usually caused by layers of product not absorbing properly. The result? When you go to apply your makeup, it pills—little clumps or flakes form on the surface, creating an uneven and patchy look.

Why Does It Happen?

There are a few reasons why makeup pilling occurs:

Too Many Layers

If you’re applying too many skincare products before makeup, they might not have time to sink in. This can cause your makeup to pill.   

Product Ingredients Don’t Mix

Sometimes, certain ingredients in your skincare and makeup simply don’t work well together. Silicones, oils, or water-based products can clash and lead to pilling.

Rubbing Too Much

Over-rubbing your products into the skin can cause pilling by disturbing the layers and making them ball up.

How to Avoid Makeup Pilling

Give Time Between Layers

Let each product fully absorb before applying the next one. A little patience goes a long way. Also, make sure the products you’re using are compatible. Oil-based and water-based products, for example, don’t always mix well.   

Use Less Product

Less is more. Try using smaller amounts of product to avoid buildup on the skin.

Pat, Don’t Rub

Gently pat your products onto your skin instead of rubbing them in. Try using a makeup brush or sponge to apply your makeup base. This helps them absorb more evenly without disturbing the layers beneath.

If you’re in need of a need skincare regime that plays well with makeup, we advise you try Medik8. Their serums are ultra hydrating, and once absorbed, makeup can be applied over the top flawlessly.

Shop Medik8 Skincare at Alison Jade in Perth and Melbourne or online here.

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